Frequently Asked Questions
I'm interested in working with psilocybin or MDMA. Can you administer psychedelic-assisted therapy with either of these substances or refer me to someone who provides it?
While there are a number of promising studies on the clinical potential of psychedelics, these substances (with the exception of ketamine) are currently illegal outside of the research setting in the United States. As a result, I do not work with them in my private practice nor do I provide referrals.
But I thought that psilocybin is legal in Cambridge.
The growth of psilocybin-containing mushrooms for personal use has been decriminalized in Cambridge, but psilocybin remains federally illegal outside the research setting.
Can you prescribe me medical cannabis?
No, I cannot.
Can you help me enroll in a clinical trial of psychedelic-assisted therapy?
I am not currently involved in any clinical trials that are recruiting new subjects. For more information regarding current and past clinical trials, please go to:
I'm considering working with psychedelic substances on my own and I'd like assistance preparing for and integrating the experience. Can you help with this?
While I cannot recommend that you use these substances outside of a research setting, I can discuss with you the currently-available evidence base for psychedelics, as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria used in psychedelics-related clinical research, in order to help you make an informed decision about if, when, and how to use these substances. I can also work with you to adjust your psychiatric medication regimen in order to minimize any possible interactions with psychedelics, and I can work with you in psychotherapy to help prepare for and integrate these experiences.
Can you provide me with Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy for my own personal growth and wellness?
Since ketamine is a controlled substance, it can only be provided to individuals for treatment of a diagnosed illness. Ketamine has not yet been approved by the FDA for any mental health indications. I offer "off-label" Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy for indications with an evidence base to support them, including: depression (both unipolar and bipolar) refractory to other medications, OCD and related disorders, and pain-related mood disorders.
Why do you offer treatment with regular ketamine instead of Spravato?
Spravato (generic name: esketamine) is a proprietary derivative of regular ketamine that received FDA approval for treatment-resistant depression despite failing to demonstrate efficacy greater than placebo in two out of three large-scale prospective clinical trials. Because it is a proprietary compound, it is significantly more expensive than regular ketamine. Additionally, meta-analyses and small head-to-head trials suggest that regular ketamine may in fact be superior to esketamine in treating mood disorders. I have written about these issues previously.
I am a mid-level provider looking for an MD to supervise my clinical practice. Do you offer this?
Unfortunately, I do not offer this service.